AI Podcasts

Here’s all the AI podcasts (audio only), also available on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts.

Last year 65% of New Zealanders voted to enact the End of Life Choice Act in November of this year. The Bill has been promoted under the twin imperatives of “choice” and “compassion”. Richard McLeod, of Lawyers for Vulnerable New Zealanders, says there is a third “C” that will become the hidden motivation for choosing...
The Auckland City Mission is 100 years old and has big plans for serving the poor of the city through their new centre called HomeGround. Professor Peter Lineham has chronicled the iconic mission’s story in a new book called Agency of Hope. Has the introduction of millions of dollars in government funding changed the Mission...
Social norms seem under attack all over the world. Whilst it is a sign of progress that many minority groups are finally treated fairly, some behind the scenes have more radical agendas. Dubbed Cultural Marxism or Critical Theory, the foundations of Civil Society are being challenged.  Many are concerned that our personal rights and liberties...
Texas has decided not to mandate masks and vaccines in the fight against Covid-19. It’s been six months since the state came out of lockdown and the results have been disastrous. They currently average over 13,000 cases per day (7-day avg) and sadly over 224 deaths each day (7-day avg). Dr Mark Brown lives in...
Frances Tagaloa recently gave evidence to the Royal Commission Inquiry about Abuse in Care, which is looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in State and faith-based care in Aotearoa New Zealand between the years 1950-99. She experienced sexual and emotional abuse in the early 1970s when she was a primary...
Many people of faith feel that the Mainstream Media has an agenda to discredit Christians. Faith is openly disparaged and its adherents treated with suspicion. Clint Randell is a breakfast radio personality and a committed Christian. Aaron asked him what pressure he faces from both the media and the faith community.
New Zealand has the most bubbly house market in the world, according to a ranking by Bloomberg Economics.Real estate prices around the world are flashing the kind of bubble warnings that haven’t been seen since the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis, but who’s to blame? Many have pointed the finger at greedy Boomers cashing...
Our politicians recently accepted the First Reading of the new law banning Conversion Therapy. Nobody should ever be forced or coerced to undergo any form of therapy – but what about those who wish to explore their sexuality and change their lifestyle? Leah Gray left her lesbian lifestyle behind and is concerned that the help...
The Prime Minister recently made an official apology to the Pacific Community for the events of the Dawn Raids in the 1970’s. A generation later Pasifika people are still facing many challenges as they hold onto their culture after growing up in New Zealand. Aaron spoke with community leader Ps Stephen Mataia about life after...
The Labour government has called for submissions on newly proposed Hate Speech Legislation. Politicians seem unable to identify what speech will be criminal under the new law but are convinced that current laws do not provide enough protection. AUT Professor of HIstory Paul Moon has studied similar laws in other countries and shares his concerns...
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